Elizaveta Yankovskaya „Quality estimation through attention“
Machine Translation is a quickly growing field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that automatically translates a text from one language […]
Machine Translation is a quickly growing field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that automatically translates a text from one language […]
Mozilla projekt Common Voice tegeleb kõneandmete korjamisega ühisloome teel. Erinevalt tekstiandmetest on kõneandmed palju harvemad ja kõneandmestikud palju väiksemad/kallimad. Teisest […]
Author: Heisi Kurig Receiving a grant from the European Research Council might seem rather impossible. The rates for success are quite […]
Authors: Jaak Vilo, Heisi Kurig, Marlon Dumas On May 23-24, we held a workshop for preparing applications for European Research […]
6. aprillil andis president Kersti Kaljulaid pidulikul tseremoonial üle noore teadlase preemia ja noore IT-teadlase eripreemia, mille tänavu pälvisid vastavalt […]