Institute of Computer Science organizes public seminars on various topics related to data science. In March 15, the seminar topic was autonomous vehicles. We had several intriguing guest speakers, including Andrej Karpathy, the Director of AI at Tesla, who told us about the technology behind Tesla’s self-driving cars.

While Andrej’s (and Starship’s Lindsey Roberts’) presentation was exclusive only to the audience at the event, we have a video footage of other interesting presenters:

  • Raivo Sell from Tallinn University of Technology talks about the project ISEAUTO in cooperation with Silberauto;
  • Lauri Tammeveski from Milrem Robotics shows how their military-use vehicles recognise different types of trees in the forest;
  • Allan Aksiim from the Foundation for Future Technologies talks about the legal regulations that ought to accompany the autonomous vehicles technology.