Mis tunne on teha IT-tööstusmagistrantuuri?
Alguses võib IT-tööstusmagistrantuur tunduda nagu võõras asi, kuid paljud UT tudengid on selle edukalt ning õnnelikult läbinud! Järgnevalt saad lugeda […]
Alguses võib IT-tööstusmagistrantuur tunduda nagu võõras asi, kuid paljud UT tudengid on selle edukalt ning õnnelikult läbinud! Järgnevalt saad lugeda […]
Reach-U on ettevõte, mis tegeleb tarkvaraarenduse ja andmeteadusega koostöös klientidega üle maailma. Reach-U on IT-tööstusmagistrantuuri veteran, kes on programmi partnerettevõte […]
Eesti Energia on Eesti ainus energeetikahiid. Ta osaleb IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris juba kolmandat korda — oma kogemusi jagab meiega Eesti Energia tehnoloogiaskaut […]
In short: IMP now lasts two semesters (i.e., one year) Four students currently doing their internship at Pipedrive, one at […]
By Anastasiia Shevchenko The competitive advantage of a manufacturing company consists of the relation between the delivery time, price, quality […]
By Anastasiia Shevchenko The digitalisation of the manufacturing industry is a challenge that lots of countries are facing. There have […]
By Aleksander Parelo On January 28, the Industrial master’s students gathered virtually at Overall, where I introduced the company itself […]
This year’s last meeting for the Industrial Master’s, which was convened by the students themself took place in Sandbox, where […]
By Karmen Kink On the last day of August, just before the autumn semester kicked in, the Industrial Master’s class […]
By Ida Maria Orula This semester’s last meeting for the Industrial Masters’21 (as in “class of 2021”) began with an […]